A Digi-Book is an Interactive Electronic book (or e-book) which is a publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, videos with interactive components readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices such as iPhones and tablets. This Digi-book will exist without a printed equivalent since it will be dedicated to millennial readers who largely prefer to read on dedicated e-reader electronic devices
This “Digi-book for Practical Evangelism,” is an electronic publication which serves as a training aid for practical evangelism, the presentation of the gospel from one person to another. It will be chock full of Gospel presentation approaches and strategies, intelligent in its theology, interactive, non-manipulative in its methods, and missional in its consequences.
The Digi-book for Practical Evangelism is the culmination of nearly two years of research and practical experimentation with students, graduate assistants, and professors at Asbury Theological Seminary. Believers and non-believers have contributed. Not every gospel presentation will conclude with a convert, but hopefully the listener is willing to begin the journey as a new born disciple who will require nurture, friendship, and leadership. Our Digi-book for Practical Evangelism will give the Christian leader the tools to lay the ground work so new disciples will know to live like Jesus, focused on Jesus with a recognition that disciples themselves are the church — not a brick and mortar building.
Our Digi-book for Practical Evangelism offers key insights, tools and techniques for the Christian leader to open the door to a lifetime of commitment to Jesus and to live life in The Way, loving the Word of God, following Jesus and seeking a state of union with our heavenly Father through his Son and the Holy Spirit. The digi-book introduces The Way as one of sacrifice and of making more disciples as one goes through daily life. Students will gain confidence in communicating the Gospel in a variety of circumstances.
Project Status
Third semester of trials are complete. Funding for a fourth and fifth semester is required.
Strategic Goal
Plant scores of KF Student Cohorts across the United States. Raise up a new generation of students, better equipped Christian leader by advancing:
Personal development and interpersonal skills
Missional leaders for a missional church
Leadership across four key behaviors
Problem solving
Results orientation
Embracing alternative perspectives
Supporting colleagues
Strengthened and deepened Christology
Financial Commitment Needed
Knox Fellowship sustains the first Student Cohort at Asbury Theological Seminary. Will you help us plant another? The average cost of a Student Cohort is $2000.00 per semester.