Dr. W. Jay Moon, Professor of Church Planting and Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary, has served as an African church planter. Besides his African experience, Jay has been involved in numerous innovative missional enterprises, including ministries to First Nation people, urban “at risk” neighborhoods, and a church-plant with Embrace UMC. Jay is serves as the 2nd Vice President of the Great Commission Research Network. Now Jay is making evangelism instructional videos with a consortium of backers: Asbury Theological Seminary, Logos Bible Software, Knox Fellowship, and publishing house, DOPPS, LLC.
Evangelism Instruction Videos:
The evangelism instruction videos – eight 6-minute videos will be in Logos Bible Software packages in late 2017. Logos Bible Software is a suite of digital tools, a robust theological library, a powerful search engine fine-tuned for Bible study, and will now showcase practical applications of evangelism in videos by Jay. Logos Bible Software has over four million subscribers, many who are continually upgrading their software collection and are available for presale before they are included in various Logos software packages.
Specifically Jay will be explaining and demonstrating how to present the gospel across three meta-philosophical paradigms: Western understanding of justice-guilt; African understanding of power- fear; and Asian understanding of honor-shame. All of these are to some degree cultural norms everywhere but have particular power and dominance in certain regions. Jay offers insights on how to best present the gospel within the context of these philosophical mindsets or worldviews. These evangelism instruction videos are a joint venture of Asbury Theological Seminary, Logos Bible Software, Knox Fellowship, and DOPPS LLC, a video production company. The evangelism instruction videos will be available to four million subscribers to Logos Bible Software and available for presale before they are included in various Logos software packages.
Project Status
Scripts are complete. Production begins upon funding.
Strategic Goal
Make eight culturally relevant evangelism instruction videos available to four million Logos Bible Software subscribers which will teach practical evangelism to seminarians, Bible College students, pastors, and key lay leaders.
Financial Commitment Needed
To produce eight 6-minute videos requires a total financial commitment of $5,000.00. Please consider joining us in helping fund this far-reaching evangelism training opportunity. Each donor of $1,000 or more will receive a presale copy of the final eight videos. Smaller donations are certainly welcome.