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The donation is processed by KNOX FELLOWSHIP, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. A donation receipt will be sent to your billing address. PayPal payments and all major credit cards accepted. All donations received will be used for the purpose of the general ministry unless otherwise specified in the notes section. If you would prefer to send a check, make it payable to ‘Knox Fellowship’, and send it to:


Knox Fellowship
20054 Heritage Point Dr.
Tampa, FL 33647


Knox Fellowship encourages the responsible use of credit cards.  We offer the opportunity to donate by credit card as a convenience to those who manage their finances in this way.  We encourage you to prayerfully consider your resources before making a credit card purchase or donation of any kind.  There are a number of reputable ministries and individuals who promote Godly stewardship:  Crown Financial MinistriesGiveWith Joy and Dave Ramsey, among others.

Ten Other Ways to Give


  1. Cash – You can write a check payable to Knox Fellowship; set up a monthly draft from your account to Knox; transfer cash from your brokerage or from your trust account; wire funds from your bank to Knox Fellowship.

  2. Stocks /Bonds/Mutual Funds – Transfer investments directly to Knox Fellowship; you can give stock certificates directly to Knox Fellowship.

  3. Real Estate – You can deed real estate – your home, vacation property, commercial real estate, farm land, and timber land – directly to Knox Fellowship; you can deed real estate directly to Knox Fellowship and retain a life interest in the real estate until your death.

  4. Life Insurance – You can fund a life insurance policy naming Knox Fellowship as beneficiary; you can give an existing policy to Knox Fellowship; you can name Knox Fellowship as beneficiary of an existing policy.

  5. Art and Collectibles – You can give art and collectibles as well as other personal property to Knox Fellowship during your life or at your death.

  6. Charitable Remainder Trust – You can create a charitable trust using almost any type of asset, receive income during your life and make Knox Fellowship the beneficiary of the trust at your death.

  7. Charitable Lead Trust – You can create a charitable trust using almost any type of asset, Knox Fellowship would receive income for a specified number of years; at the end of the time period, the assets would flow back to you or family members.

  8. Charitable Gift Annuity – You can establish a gift annuity with Knox Fellowship that would give you income for life with the remainder payable to  Knox Fellowship at your death.

  9. Bequest under your estate plan – You could leave  Knox Fellowship a specified amount or a percentage of your estate for use by Presbyterian College as specified in your will.

  10. Distribution from your IRA – You name  Knox Fellowship as a beneficiary of your IRA; in 2009, you can make a withdrawal up to $100,000 from your IRA and have the payment directed to  Knox Fellowship.

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